KJR Studios

Kameelah Janan Rasheed is a learner* from East Palo Alto, CA

Brooklyn | Berlin | Johannesburg

© Kameelah Janan Rasheed. All rights reserved.

You Have My Word - night 2: Have
Poetry Project 
September 8, 2022

Join us for You Have My Word, a three-night engagement on liminal languages, on 9/7, 9/8, 9/9 at The Poetry Project. We will feature a series of happenings that involve languages that don’t quite properly exist: lovers’ codes, hypertrophied dialects, asemic writing, the bad and the wrong and the asignifying sound, and semantic sense melting down into somatic sensuality.

A collection of artists who will create an improvisatory weave of chaos linguistics: visual symbols, bodily signs, Black dialectical speech, diaphanous Mandarin phonics, breathless and broken syntax, machine-learning, star-listening, tongues made of film strips and so on. Alternative histories of language will bubble up rejoicing from the world beneath the world. The stage that separates audience from performer will be joyfully razed.

For Have, we look at the dangerous hallucination of owning language, the futile attempts of governing language, the loving act of learning language, as well as the dispossessions of experience – to have is to hold is to let go is to be transformed.