document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { const wordForm = document.getElementById("wordForm"); const wordInput = document.getElementById("wordInput"); const message = document.getElementById("message"); // Initialize Email.js with your email service user ID emailjs.init("Z1v3Tk0_CueH6vCBr"); wordForm.addEventListener("submit", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const userWord = wordInput.value; // Send the word to the website owner via Email.js emailjs.send("service_bxokdxr", "template_tw45bnb", { userWord: userWord }).then(function(response) { console.log("Email sent successfully:", response); message.textContent = "your gift was received."; wordInput.value = ""; // Clear the input field }, function(error) { console.error("Email send error:", error); message.textContent = "An error occurred while sending the word."; }); }); });

KJR Studios

Kameelah Janan Rasheed is a learner* from East Palo Alto, CA

Brooklyn | Berlin | Johannesburg

© Kameelah Janan Rasheed. All rights reserved.

(What follows is an excerpt from a larger ongoing piece of writing) I am a learner1 from East Palo Alto, CA.2 Learning as a thing one does in interdisciplinary, interspecies, and interstellar communion.

I am a learner1 from East Palo Alto, CA.2Learning as a thing one does in interdisciplinary, interspecies, and interstellar communion.

We often think of words as having capacities or parameters defined by etymology, previous use, context, etc. However, I believe poets know that they are always stretching words to hold more than what was previously thought imaginable.

So yes, I am enamored by her use of the word “yeast,” but more so by her range.

When they ask what I do, I will tell them that I am “as possible as yeast.” This is the self-perpetuating line I was searching for. Thank you, Lucille Clifton, for the reminder that we must commit to the possibility, not necessarily the known. Indeed, I, too, “am not done yet”.

In the spirit of “i am not done yet,” I have not had a website for several years. When I returned to the task, I began to think about what I wanted this space to do.

An autocorrect moment3 reminded me that the website I was building was a bit like forest.